Brow Farm is a working arable farm near Southport in Lancashire. Here we’ve also been breeding and selling Peafowl for more than 40 years. It all started with Indian Blue Peacocks and Peahens. Over the years we’ve gradually added different varieties. First the common Blue Pied and Black Shouldered Peafowl, followed by stunning White Peacocks and Peahens. Later we acquired the majestic Java Greens, and then other breeds such as Cameos, Pied Cameos, Silver Pied and Emerald Spaldings. All beautiful birds in their own right.
At any one time we have at least 100 breeding birds. At the end of a breeding season there are typically more than 500 birds of various ages on the farm. Peacocks, peahens and peachicks in a number of colours and ages are available to buy. At the right time of year you can even buy peachicks too!

Other Services
It’s not all about Peafowl at Brow. We do breed and sell Quail, Pheasants and Turkeys as well; available birds are listed under the For Sale tab. As well as hatching our own eggs we offer an Egg Hatching Service. Through our Brow Farm Online Store, we dispatch Pet Transport Boxes and Books, and other animal products.
So please take a look around the site. Look at the Varieties of peacocks and peahens we are selling. In the Common Peafowl Ailments section are detailed some of the problems we’ve encountered over the years. If the Eye Spots (Ocelli) of a peacock’s train fascinate you then we have a page that may be of interest. Other topics in the Peafowl FAQs section are there to help particularly if you are new to keeping peafowl.
Contact Us
Whether you’re looking for new stock, a different variety of bird, or even considering getting your first peafowl, take a look at our Birds for Sale page to see what we have available to buy now. The Contact Us page is the best place to find our details when you want to get in touch.
Tell us if there’s any topic you’d like to see added to the site. With his wealth of experience, Martin is very knowledgeable and a great source of advice on all things peafowl-related.
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