We breed the Northern Bobwhite Quail at Brow Farm, however in the last year we have cut back on the numbers we rear due to other commitments. These wonderful little birds are great for training gun dogs. The chicks mature in 16 weeks and will have started laying eggs by 24 weeks.

Bobwhite quail are small ground-dwelling gallinaceous (chicken-like) birds. Adults stand six to seven inches (14-17 cm) in height and typically weigh about six to seven ounces. The male’s upper parts are reddish-brown, while the belly is pale and streaked. There is a white stripe above the eye, and a white patch framed in black on the throat. In comparison, the female has caramel-coloured patches.
The bobwhites live in coveys (flocks of two or more families), but when sharing with other birds in an aviary, a trio is best. Named after their distinctive whistle (“bobwhite”), these birds are great to have running around in the bottom of your flight or aviary. They’ll eat seeds dropped on the ground (but will need good quality game pellets to keep them in good condition).