Barley Grains for Flour

Barley Grains for Flour

| About Barley | Barley Field | Barley Recipes | Our Barley Flour |

Ears of barley almost ready for harvesting
     Ears of barley almost ready for harvesting


Food on a table that has wheat in the recipe

Barley: Nutty and Nutritious

Barley, with its nutty flavour and chewy texture, adds a delightful depth to any recipe. When milled, barley yields a hearty flour that’s perfect for rustic breads, wholesome pancakes, and nourishing soups. Rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, barley flour offers a nutritious boost to your baked goods while infusing them with a distinctive flavour that’s sure to impress.
Click here to go to our online store to order our Fresh Milled, Whole Grain, Stone Ground Barley Flour